Friday, July 23, 2010

Family vacation II

Here are the rest of the pictures.

I have 5 fancy windows. 2 that are alike are colored textured glass in blue, green, yellow, pink and the cente oval clear with a 'frost design'.

The Palladio window above my sewing 'studio'. Then we have the Fleur de Lis window which sits at the bottom of my 20 step staircase and the spiderweb window which is Adam's room.

All of them needed to be scrapped, primed, glazed and painted.

I forgot to add the Adam came in from VA TECH and Lena his girlfriend came in from Remington VA which made the weekend that much sweeter.

We used a 40' ladder for the roof and all the windows. 2 8' ladders and 1 6' ladder for the Porte Cachere. With the loan of some tools and the 40 footer from friend Ron and one 8 footer from my next door neighbors.

Family vacation

A few months ago I emailed my brother Bill in Michigan to ask him how to patch a leak in my roof. Well guess what!? He came for a working vacation! He brought his sweet wife Kellie, precious little girl Erin and Mom. Then brother Shon from MD came for an overnight visit with his two great kids Kirstin and Brian and then later my third brother Jim from DE came for an overnight visit. And everyone worked. Bill and Mike got the roof patched and tracked down a few more leaks, Kellie was scrapping, priming, painting my 5 fancy windows, with Bill reglazing. The Porte Cachere was scrapped, power washed, primed and painted also. I am truly blessed with a wonderful family. And for the first time ever, I cried when they pulled out of my driveway to go home. I hated straightening up my house because it was removing evidence they were here. Here are the photos, probably in two parts.