Thursday, December 11, 2008

Scrappy quilts

I have two more quilts to send to my quilter Glen in Oklahoma. The Bear Trails in blue and white. The was made with the help of my Justquilting friends, they sent me blues so I could make it scrappy. Those are 12 inch blocks. I can't recall the border size, maybe 6".

The other one, the scrappy one, those are 4patch-9patch blocks I won in the Block of the Month we do each month at Justquilting. I really like how it turned out.

I discovered that I like control scrappy. LOL, there are several great patterns on Bonnie Hunters site.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Passage to Manhood-The Kappa Alpha Brotherhood at VA TECH

As some of you know, my son Adam attends VA TECH, but he is also a member of the Kappa Alpha Order. They are not called a fraternity. Anyway, I've been wanting to make him a quilt to combine the two and I finally came up with a design that I am very happy with. It measures 83 inches by 83 inches. The center is the KA cross, I used VT fabric, orange and crimson in the 32 blocks. A thin border of the same old gold in the cross, the VT fabric and it will be bound off in black.
It will cover a queen size mattress boys! And hopefully snuggle you in my love and prayers.

His Big Brother was and absolute God send for me, Patrick. So, I made him one also. I have to send them off to Glen to be quilted yet. Adam was disappointed that I would not be quilting it.

I sure hope Adam and Patrick like it! Made with a lot of love.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

quilts back from Glen!

I received two quilts back from Glen 11/15, my dh's birthday! What a lovely gift for me. LOL. The first one is a 5.5" 30's repros bowtie I did on a group I used to be with a few years ago, I finally put it together. The second one is the back of my mystery quilt. the flower design is on the friendship star then he heavy quilted the red background, the chain like design is the top of the heart, he framed in the siggie strips of the heart and heavy quilted the bottom of the heart and did the neat design on the border. I still need to bind them.
I have a yard of 30's repro somewhere in the house, sigh, and I'm binding the mystery friendship quilt in black. The poppies have an orange tone to them, I didn't realize it until I put it on the border, but I really like the poppies, so I'm binding it in black which goes great with all the fabrics in the quilt.
I have two more to send off to Glen. My goal is to create a new one and put together a WIP so I can get my drawers cleared out!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Mystery quilt

In February 2008, my group justquilting had a mystery quilt sew in day. I designed this top and we had a lot of fun. My husband didn't because I had to have the laptop and the tabletop computers. But he was a good sport about it.

We mailed signature strips with our name and state on it. Some of us included it in the large heart blocks, some used them on the back.

Here is a photo of three of them. Pams in pinks/blues, Joanne in blues/yellows, mine pinks/reds. The all pink one with the center ribbon went to the Bath County Relay For Life 2008 fundraiser.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Deck work

Here are three photos. We still have to put lattice around the bottom and make a door between the two wooden pillars to store the lawnmower.

Back deck

If I can remember how to post photos, you will see the back deck we put up, my husband, a good friend and me. We tore down the 101 year old rotted 5'x7' deck and put up a 6'x18' deck. A lot of hard work, but it was worth it! I now have an appreciation of my Dad's hard day at work.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Joys of parenthood

I was a good mom the other day. I went to Blacksburg VA to spend the night with my son and to clean his kitchen for move out day. He has to do a few minor things, but the stove was the big tackle project, all cabinets washed down in and outside.

He and 2 friends have moved into a rather large 3 bedroom house. I love the kitchen and dining area, large and spacious. A large living room, family room 1 3/4 baths, 2 enclosed sunrooms and a deck.

Adam was on the 3rd floor of his apartment building, talk about being worn out! The first truck had Holly's apartment and the 7 couches from Adam's apartment. They rented a 24 footer and it was full. Then after loading we ate lunch, my treat at Macado's-I like it! First time there. Then we unloaded the truck, back to Adam's and finish his apartment which also had Ken's stuff there. But 3pm, I was plum worn out and headed on home, 1.5 hour trip. The electricity wasn't on their house yet, water was, and I wanted a shower so badly. Flowers were wilting while I walked by them. LOL

I did stop of Trinity Schoolhouse quilt shop and picked up some fabric. I told the employee of me morning and afternoon and was afraid that I stank. Afraid to touch the fabric! She said I didn't stink all. May God Bless her for that.

I'm working on cleaning the kitchen because I have mastered turning on the faucets. Sigh. Then some machine quilting on a wallhanging for a friend whose mom is fighting her second bout of ovarian cancer.

What do these words have in common? Dresser, Potato, Revive, Banana, Assess

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

May the Witnesses Find Peace in Their Duty

This is my friend Pam, her brother is part of the VA TECH massacre investigation. She wanted to make a quilt for him, then as we got closer to finishing the top, she decided it belonged to the Salem VA State Troopers. I contacted my friends at Justquilting yahoo group for help on embroidering the names of the 32 victims, WE ARE VA TECH and 04-16-07. Muriel from PA, Sandy Jo from WI, Salliejean from IL and Shirley from AL did the names. Trink and Bev helped with the applique, Pam with the ribbon border, and Joanne with the binding. It was stippled quilted in rainbow thread by my long arm quilter Glen Cook at It was presented to the Salem Troopers by their Col. Flaherty. It was well received and we were told that they were very touched and honored to receive this gift.

We were once charged to pick a name and remember that person so no one is forgotten. I have been charged with four names, of those who my son knew. May the Witnesses Find Peace in their Duty.


My maiden name is Beck. A friend found this plate at a thrift store. I would love to find four more to give to my siblings. So now I am being selfish keeping it for myself. Has anyone ever heard of a Beck's restaurant? My dad grew up on South Manitou Island, 18 miles off the coast of Michigan on Lake Michigan.

Monday, June 30, 2008

New blogger

I'm Judy, home state of Michigan, transplanted after 4 other states to Virginia. Gran Mere Park is located in Stevensville, Michigan. It is a wonderful park, filled with alot of family memories.